My mind was foggy. I knew I needed quiet time—distractions clouded my thoughts. I couldn’t hear God. I read a devotion on Simplicity and made an effort to stop procrastinating. That got rid of some of the mental clutter. In the mail, I got Dr. Stanley’s “30 Life Principles” booklet. I didn’t request it so I felt God nudging me. As I read Psalm 139, the mental fog lifted.
I was reminded of my travel as I read “if I ascend to heaven, You are there…if I take the wings of heaven, dwell in the uttermosts parts of the sea; even there shall You lead me and give me
strength . ” I recalled Gay Head Cliffs. I felt like I had ascended into God’s presence when I visited there. Going to Martha’s Vineyard was like dwelling in the uttermosts parts of the sea. So far from my normal routine.