John 15:5

Living in this age of modern technology, we are connected to the outside world. It is literally at our fingertips. Just have a smartphone paired with a reliable server and a good internet connection, and you're all set! You can find the latest global news, status updates, tweets and recent posts from each one of your friends by the touch of a screen. You can even do a lot of things online. . . shop, watch movies, order take out, grocery shopping, pay bills and even study online. We can chat and see our family and friends anytime no matter where they are, even those miles and miles away from us. It's so great to be connected!
However, have you realized that the more we connect using these advanced technology devices, the more we find ourselves alone most of the time? Isn't it so ironic? Children are not playing outdoors anymore, and are often busy playing online games. People on the trains, buses, in restaurants and even at home barely talk to each other because they are too busy using their mobile phones and other modern gadgets. We can have up to 1,000 plus friends and followers from social media but do we really meet up with them and have some time to bond? As a busy mother of three kids, I really do appreciate and enjoy the convenience of shopping and paying bills online but when I think of that missed encounter with my kind neighbor outside, the exchanges of sweet smiles with some of my acquaintances around our neighborhood, or that quick chat with a nice lady behind the counter from a shop nearby. . . I realize that these are the real connections.
As I ponder with this truth regarding how we connect nowadays, I suddenly thought of a more important connection that we should have. A special kind of connection that will not leave us with an empty feeling or sense of isolation at the end of the day. Our connection with our Almighty God whose ears are inclined to us waiting for us to call Him (Psalm 116:2) and when we call Him He will answer us and tell us great and mighty things which we do not know (Jeremiah 33:3). The One who will draw near to us if we draw near to Him (James 4:8). Our God who is always willing to give when we ask, help us find what we seek and ready to open and hold the door for us when we knock (Matthew 7:7-8). If we connect as branches to Christ's vine and we abide in Him, we will bear much fruit. However, apart from Him we can do nothing (John 15:5).
So before we reach out for our phones or sit in front of our computers to connect to the world make sure we have completed this checklist first. Did we check our inbox of messages from God through reading His Holy Words? Did we spend some of our time to give Him a daily call? Not only a distress call when we are in trouble, but a simple update on what is going on in our lives will surely please Him. How about finding some quality time with Him alone as we reflect (on His love and faithfulness towards us), as we pray (for our concerns and petitions), as we thank Him (for all His blessings) and as we praise Him for His divine nature. Are you connected to Him right now?