Only in Romans, Philippians, and Titus does Paul introduce himself as a “bondservant.” What is a bondservant, and why is being one important? The term servant, or slave, does not have positive connotations for us. According to Webster’s, to be a servant is to be employed by another particularly to do household chores, or to be devoted to another or a cause. So in this light, we can say we are devoted to Christ and His cause to spread the gospel of grace. We are slaves of His, not to be treated as mere chattel, but given the glorious truth of Christ to share with everyone we come in contact with. What a privilege we have then to be in Christ’s service, as his “servants,” to carry His message near and far and share with others all that Christ has done in our lives.

“Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated to the gospel of God….”