Matthew 7:14
“How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life.”
When Jesus makes that statement it sure does make life seem pretty difficult! It brings to mind images of trying thread a needle with a very tiny eye or actually making a hole in one in golf every time. We need precision, patience, many repeated efforts and of course unshakable faith. But if you do have these things you will triumph!
Funny, that sounds exactly like what we all need for the kind of life that Jesus is always inviting us to take up.
Sure, the road we often travel can be very constricting and the gate that we must pass through may be quite narrow. This is because following Jesus requires that we use precision and care with how we use and spend on our time on earth. What we choose to read, what we watch or what we talk about. Also it includes where we seek our spiritual, mental, or emotional consolation, where we look for and find pleasure an how we amuse ourselves. it simply takes a lot of patience, especially with ourselves. As we try our best to make our way down the path of life, we often stumble and fall, get back up and try again and again and many times we keep failing. It can actually be very tempting for us to just throw up our hands in frustration and cry out “I’m never going to be able to love and forgive like Christ!” Or “I’m never going to be able to free myself from drugs, alcohol or be free from fear…..”
If we feel this happen, we need to take heart and don’t give up! Why? Because Jesus sympathizes with all of our weaknesses and challenges we face in life. He knows each and temptation each of us face on a daily basis. He Himself has experienced them, so, this means that He is filled with nothing but compassion and mercy for all of us. So for any of us who may feel tired of walking on the road of life Jesus says “Come to me, all you labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) So don’t worry when you feel like your endurance, wisdom, understanding has run out. Christ has sent the Holy Spirit to give you energy, patience, and the self-control that you need to keep on following Jesus.
When the road seems too tough or the gate too narrow, we need to remember that Jesus truly wants to give us everything we need. He really does enjoy giving us all the precision, endurance and faith that we might be lacking. Even when we feel that we may have strayed too far off the road to return to Him, we couldn’t be further from the truth. We need to remember the father who ran both eagerly and joyfully to welcome back his prodigal son! God our Father is also on the lookout as well, always waiting for each of us to return home! He is always on our side! He is by our side! He will always help us along the way!