Hebrews 3:12-15

There is still a lot of controversy over who actually wrote Hebrews. The book itself doesn’t say, but most theologians and laypeople give Paul the acknowledgement as author. There is no traditional opening as Paul was wont to give, but the ending is very like his other epistles. So I’ll include it here as one of his. What is he saying in these passages? He is warning believers to examine their hearts to see if they are in unbelief by not following God’s word. He exhorts the believers to exhort others daily while you have today in the event that if they do not, they, too, could be hardened in their heart because of sin. Who is a partaker of Christ? We are, if we hold firm and steadfast to the teachings we receive through the indwelling Christ by the Spirit and by daily reading of His word. Friend, if you hear His voice today, don’t harden your heart or ignore it. Listen carefully for He will never shout or jump up and down to get your attention. In the still, small voice, He calls to you.