Romans 10:9-10, 13

I was raised in a liturgical church that did not preach or believe in a born again relationship to know Christ. You were baptized, and that made you a “Christian.” I was also raised in a godless home by unfit parents who did not believe in Christ or show His love and kindness. In fact, I still remember telling my best friend when I was about 10 or 11 that I didn’t believe in God simply because my own life experiences were so negative, I had nothing positive to base God on. I felt He was just like my parents. But in the late 1970s, I heard Jerry Falwell preaching from his church in Virginia, and the message he conveyed was the very antithesis of all I had been taught so that I sought out a like church to his, and with the pastor’s help, made a genuine profession of faith in Christ. Wow! I had never, ever heard such a message—that if you will confess openly and believe in your heart the Lord Jesus is just who He said He is, and that He was raised from the dead, I, too, could be saved. And my life has never been the same since. Yes, I have had some rocky places in my life and times of great testing, but God has proven over and over He is faithful, and He has now put me in such a place that I can trust everything completely to Him, even our business, and know without a doubt He will provide because He does all things well. Have you received the Lord Jesus as your personal Savior? If not, why not do so now? Come to Him just as you are, and He will receive you.