I Corinthians 1:18, 21
In case you didn’t already know, the world thinks we are nuts. Yes, we believe in an unseen God and an old book that is no longer accurate, if it ever was. This is the stock excuse used by our secular society to degrade Christians and God Himself. You can’t see Him, the book has been rewritten so many times who knows how accurate it is now, and it’s all a lot of superstition. And to them, it is. But this is hardly surprising. God Himself says that the whole idea of the cross and Jesus dying there for our sins (gasp! A horrible word no one wants to acknowledge in our progressive society) is foolish to the lost, for us who are being saved through His choosing, it shows forth God’s power. The world thinks it is so wise, but the world’s wisdom is utter stupidity compared with the wisdom of the all powerful God who created all things and keeps everything afloat. For those whom He has chosen, this “foolish” message takes root in our hearts by the faith He supplies, and we believe.