Galatians 5: 13-14; Mark 9:35
We live in a self-serve world,
So much so that you can go through a day
Taking care of all that you want,
Hardly needing a word with another to say.
We push buttons on phones in response to questions.
We use self-serve check out lines in the store.
We bank, gas up cars, select drinks and food
Without the need for other people anymore.
Self-serve is our go-to convenience;
The shining star of freedom of choice,
Allowing us more control of the lives we're living,
Yet, it's focus on self may hinder us hearing God's voice.
Consider the other half of "self-serve".
The word that our Savior said to do:
Serve others out of love for our Lord
Is a hard course in a self-serve world to pursue.
Jesus was all about relationships:
His to the Father and ours to Him;
Not striving to be first, but willing to be last,
The chances of doing this in a self-serve world are slim.
With Jesus, self was always sacrificed to serve;
By serving could relationships be grown:
The worth of every life realized in service,
The way of love through serving ultimately be known.
Self-service, in itself, as a convenience is not bad,
But serving self needs be balanced with serving others.
A world of meaningful relationships is a sure way
For today's world to realize we're all sisters and brothers.