II Corinthians 2:17

I live in the most unchurched state in the nation. It has been this way for many decades, and gets progressively worse. We can’t get quality pastors here, partly because there just aren’t many quality pastors any more, and because they don’t want to come to a state so hostile to Christ. When we were church hunting, we sat under pastor after pastor spewing out social garbage or whimsical little philosophies that have no basis in scripture. And then there are the TV evangelists. I think this verse applies mostly to them, but can do the same to the local pastor. They are out there spouting off whatever the people want to hear, getting their itchy ears scratched (II Timothy 4:3-4). I would be hard pressed to name even one TV evangelist who is truly born again and living a genuine life for Jesus. They are peddling (or making a trade of) the word of God through hucksterism, fraud, and deceit, and leading many people into a Christless eternity. But the apostle says he and those others who preach the word of God in sincerity as from Him are declaring truth to salvation. If you are church hunting, make sure to listen carefully to the preacher and make sure he is teaching the clear, unadulterated word of God, not trying to tickle your ears with lies.