Genesis 15:1

Imagine winning the lottery for a million dollars. But when you went to claim your winnings, the lottery officials told you there was a waiting period before you could collect it - and they didn't tell you how long the waiting period would be. At first, you'd probably be so excited and so busy making plans that you wouldn't mind the wait - after all, the money is guaranteed, isn't it? But what if ten years went by and you still hadn't received it, and had not even heard one word about it from the lottery officials? Undoubtedly, you'd be perplexed, impatient, and worried, afraid that you might never collect.
This was Abram's dilemma. At the age of 75 he had been given a promise from God - but ten years later, it looked like nothing was happening. He was probably wondering if he still had God's blessing on his life. But friend, there is no need for us to worry (Matthew 6:25-34). God's promises are true, and He's telling us today what He told Abram thousands of years ago: " I AM your shield, your very great reward." He assures us, in the present tense, not only of our safety, but also of our happiness in Him. He is here for us now, right this moment, caring for us now, right this moment. Even if it looks like nothing is happening, He is there. Realizing that God is always with us, protecting us from all evil, should be enough to silence all of our fears (Psalm 3:3-6).