Psalm 139:1-17
We are all part of something bigger.
It's as if we are all in a painting of a crowd of people on a busy city street.
Stuck in the busyness of the moment. Glued to idols of the issues of life.
Yet each person in the painting is on God's created map. Carefully placed there according to His timed will.
But God's painting is not stationary.
It is not a stuck moment of issues like the painting of a busy city street. If we are conscious of it.
Gods painting is full of life and love and care with every breath we take.
It's alive with hope, help and salvation and His story.
If we can turn our minds away from the busyness of life just for a moment. Turning upwards to the glorious sky. It is in that conscious moment, that we embrace, we acknowledge, we thank, we revere, the painter, the author, the finisher of the chapter of our lives.
We realize, He was and is and will always be victorious in our lives. It's His story. His painting.
So take a deep breath. Understand God is in control. Obey Him, Lean on Him and Trust His mighty hand and plan.