We have come a long way in a relatively short time from the phone booth to the cell phone. “Back in the day” I had to remember to take some change with me in case I had an emergency and needed to use a pay phone. Now a feeling of panic will set in when I forget to put my cell phone in my purse.
Recently my phone started acting “funny” and was not functioning the way it was intended to function. It was difficult to get to my contacts, my texts were not being transmitted, and surfing the internet was like trying to walk through quicksand. Frustrated, I took my phone to the local tech support and began bemoaning my decision to upgrade.
The young man very calmly asked me if I had closed my apps. When I told him that I didn’t know they were open, he showed me how to unclog my phone by closing the apps. He also explained to me that I needed to turn my phone completely off every now and then and let it rest. Who knew?!
My mind and body are a lot like my cell phone. As a child of God, I am called to a life of service, but when I fail to rest or I put too many irons in the fire my service can become a chore. When my service becomes a chore, then I become weary in well-doing. When I am weary, I act “funny” and do not function the way the Lord intends for me to function.
Closing the apps on my cell phone and shutting it down every now and then have improved the way that my phone functions. And so it is with me.

“And he [Jesus] said unto them, come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while:….”