When is the Christian worker not ashamed? When he correctly divides, or handles, God’s word, the Bible. Taking passages of scripture written to another people or time or place and trying to make them fit in the age of grace message leads to serious error and sometimes heresy. While it is true we can still learn much from Old Testament scripture and the gospels, it is very important we remember to whom they were written—the Jews. And many of the teachings contained therein are applicable across all dispensations. However, if you attempt to take passages that apply solely to the Jews and apply them to the church, you end up with “profane and idle babblings,” with confusions and contention abounding. This will not promote godliness in the believer’s life, and people could be lost because they are trying to keep the law or applying sign gifts that are no longer valid for this age to themselves. When reading and studying scripture, remember which books were written to the church—Paul’s epistles—and you will never go wrong on what is appropriate teaching for today.

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness.”