Good Morning Beloved,

He is the way, the truth and the life.

Read and Meditate on Isaiah 53:4-6

Reflection after Reading:

How often do we see people go through pain and suffering, and we wonder if they are being punished by God?

We know God is merciful and kind, we also know He is just, so as human beings we sometimes feel we can understand why things happen to others. Fortunately, God is not man, we can never understand why He allows pain and suffering unless He reveals it to us.

Jesus Christ went through so many things he didn't deserve; he was hated, insulted, mocked, ridiculed, wrongfully accused, molested, stripped of dignity, tortured and killed. He went through these in extremities all because of our own sins, he went through all these because of love. It was so easy to assume that all these suffering were punishments from God because in those days that was the conclusion for any negative predicament; disease, sickness, poverty...were all considered to be from God because of one sin or the other (by the individual or their ancestors),how much more all Christ went through that had no root, it made no sense. Every time, I read all Christ went through, it's like an escalated joke that could have been avoided but ended badly. How is someone killed for nothing???!!! Can you imagine how his disciples felt? Although Jesus told them he would be betrayed...surely they never expected things to end so badly.
This reaffirms to me that God is never sleeping. In all things there is a plan, a bigger purpose that we may not understand until it has come to pass or in a distant future.

Jesus lived in complete surrender to The Will of God Almighty; The Father. Even when he was apprehensive of his fate, he still followed through. Can we live in total surrender to God when everything around us is falling apart? Do we find ourselves complaining to God and asking why things are not going well for us as we live as believers? Do we feel we have a right to constant goodness and blessings upon us as Christians?
My brothers and sisters life is not a bed of roses...yes we pray for things to go well but we must still carry the cross that God permits into our lives, for even the cross will bring blessings at the end.

Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour went through unimaginable pain, emotionally and physically, and he was without blemish, without sin, how much more we who were born into sin.
Let us, everyday of our lives, give thanksgiving to God for putting upon Jesus all our guilt. All we have to do is follow him; he is the way, the truth and the life.

Psalm of the week: Psalm 100
Prayer of the week: Lord, help us to bear the message of the gospel with urgency in order to stay spiritually awake. Amen

God bless you