Psalms 17:6
“Oh!! Mrs. Tracey, we are talking about bees.” And with a bit of pride three year old Marion says, “But don’t touch them, they have stunkers. If you touch them you could get stunk.”
While this childlike blooper brought a moment of comic relief, it did not interfere with our continued conversation about bees. I knew exactly what she meant.
And so it is with God. We don’t have to be perfect, and our conversations with God don’t have to be flawless. He isn’t looking for perfection and correctness. As a matter of fact, we learn from Mathew 18:3 that He wants us to come to Him like a child.
Before children learn to speak, they babble with confidence. They do so boldly; and frankly they are uninhibited by their circumstances or the adults around them. We’ve all heard a baby verbalize during the quietest moments of a church service; much to the chagrin of their mortified parents. Babies don’t care what they sound like. They don’t care when or where they sound off; and they certainly aren’t concerned if anyone around them even comprehends their unintelligible communication. But what they do know; what they are certain of; is that their loving mom or dad WILL respond. They will know what their child needs.
You may feel like your prayers don’t make sense, or that they’re hard to understand. You may not know big words, or have a fancy praying voice. You may even think it’s pointless for you to talk to God. Rest assured, our blunders will not hinder Him from knowing our hearts. Let us be confident like these little babies and cry out with boldness to our loving Father! No matter what your level of communication is with God: He is listening, and He knows exactly what you mean. More importantly, He will respond!