“Tell Me your ‘everyday’ kind of talk. I want to have THAT kind of conversation from you too! I want to be included,” the Lord spoke gently to my spirit immediately after I texted a friend. I had been texting back and forth with a friend, and the content of our communications was light and jovial: silly even. I smiled and chuckled out loud a time or two when reading my friend’s responses.

He’s all ears when it comes to us.

God wants that? I thought about that for a moment. I text people daily and often, as most of us do these days. Yet, do I reach out to God that often? And would I tell him the happy, silly moments, or do I just save the serious, heavy topics for Him?

God is interested in every aspect of our lives, and He is interested all the time. The scripture tells us that God never leaves us or forsakes us, and to draw near unto God and He will draw near to us. This sounds like a God that is just waiting for the opportunity to engage with us as often as we desire to connect with Him. He’s all ears when it comes to us.

Some song lyrics come to mind by song writer and Worship Leader Zach Neese, “The more I seek You, the more I find You. The more I find You, the more I love You.” The more we reach out to God, the more we expand our communications with Him, the more we will love Him.

David understood this all too well because he said in Psalm 116:2, “Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!” So let’s purpose to ‘text’ God daily and often, and fall more in love with our Lord: He’s ready to listen.