Greater anointing is not found in increasing talents and skills, or by getting a degree to serve in ministry. These things are good, but alone they are useless and empty without the anointing.

Time in God's Presence anoints the talent.

Time in God's Presence anoints the talent.

I've seen many crazy talented people use their gifts in ministry. But it doesn't amount to much without God's anointing. To illustrate, think of the account in scripture when Jesus fed the crowd of 5,000 with just FIVE loaves of bread and TWO fish.

WITHOUT the anointing, I'm guessing that perhaps a small group of 5-7 people could have been fed by this good meal. A meal that had been prepared for just such a purpose: to feed and nourish. But it would only go so far.

WITH the anointing, not only were more than 5,000 fed as much as they wanted, but there was enough left over to fill twelve baskets using the five loaves of bread and two fish. How did this happen?

The simple answer: time in the presence of Jesus changes everything. The complicated answer: time in the presence of Jesus changes everything.

Let me encourage you to never think what you have to offer is too small or insignificant. Whatever you do have, know this: spending more time with God can amplify, multiply and intensify your skills and talents.