I normally send out a Newsletter with our Christmas cards each year… but not this year. I just didn’t have time to write one (at least, that’s what I told myself) and I was running out of time – “must mail Christmas cards now!” All I could think about were the repairs that was going on in our house and all the mess due to yet another pin-hole leak (for like the gazillionth time) and having to move mom to my sister’s temporarily since most of the water damage affected her room… etc., etc., you get the picture. I told myself – what are you going to write? “Hello everyone, Yes - we have yet another water leak!!!” No one wants to hear about that… Right?

22 It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. 23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

So… fast forward to December 20th (1am)

As I was rushing to wrap gifts for co-workers (because this was going to be a short work week – Thank God!) The Lord quietly spoke to my heart… You were so focused on the current “problem/ issues” that you forgot… What about all the “good” stuff that happened all year? Like that lovely trip you and your husband took to NY in the Fall, Your daughter and son-in-law going to Italy for their second wedding anniversary and them getting pregnant (you will soon have your first grand baby), Your eldest son and his wife settling into their beautiful home and all the wonderful improvements they have done to it already in just one year, Your daughter-in-law getting not one but two job promotions, Your youngest son getting a full-time job and still pursuing his Sports Writing passion, Grandma getting stronger and staying healthy since she moved in with you a year ago - and don't forget she is 91 years old!

Wow! I was so focused on the present issues instead of having a grateful heart for all the good God has provided ALL year long.

What a revelation… the annual newsletter wasn’t just for my family and friends to get an update of “What’s up with the Fam”… it was my annual reminder to myself of how loving and faithful and patient and giving my Heavenly Father is to me… So I write this, yes, to give you a glimpse of our year but more so to remind you (and myself) to not lose sight of the bigger picture in the midst of any chaos we may be in.

We have a loving God who loves us so much each and every day. Great is His faithfulness indeed.

Merry Christmas Everyone!