Isaiah 43:19

Have you ever been drunk? I have. It's a curious feeling of nausea, disorientation and heaviness. Your body and mind seem totally disconnected from one another. It takes major effort to do simple things, like open your eyes, and often takes hours to fully recover. Then that moment of realization and regret comes as you try to piece together the events of the night before.
As we enter a new year, most people reading this were probably up very late, anticipating the arrival of 2017. Some of us made extra efforts to stay up late by drinking too much coffee, energy drinks, or liquor. Then we dashed to our phones, mass texting "Happy New Year" via social media networks or screamed our heads off.
The morning after celebrations, spiritual victories, and accomplishments can be a major letdown. The crowds are gone, the party favors look cheap in the morning light, and we are left asking ourselves, "What's next?" or "Is this all there is?" There is only temporary happiness from even the most exulted spiritual experience as Peter discovered after Christ's transfiguration (Matt 17: 1-20). So what should we do? Not celebrate? Not accomplish anything? Not hope for God's best? Not at all.
Coming back down to earth – back to reality – is not easy and one day when Christ’s kingdom is fully established on earth, we will know what it is to be joyful forever with no negative residual effects or anxiety about what the next high will be.
With each new year, new day, and new moment, God is giving us permission to start again, anticipate again and go even higher. Yes, there is the chance of a fall or a major disappointment, but there is also the opportunity to soar and achieve greatness beyond your wildest dreams. There is no need to fear the effects of the night before– no need to relive regret over and over. No need to worry that you need to do something to “feel high” again because God’s word promises to renew us over and over.
Will you stand on God’s promises to do a new thing? Will you let Him do a new thing in you this year that will last forever?