Every heart has the desire to believe the evidence at hand about events and other people. We read headlines expecting that what that headline proclaimed is the truth. We have an inner voice which sets that parameter about life, that men and women are honest with one another most of the time. That has been proven so wrong in the last sixteen years, more than anytime in our nation's history. We lie to one another blithely in the course of a day. A fairly constant fifty percent of marriages fail because of deceit.

We are truthful when we become renewed in the knowledge of God.

From my own age down to the X and Y generation, there is a tendency not to tell the truth. Yet, we want that from from our fellow man! I knew a fellow once who had so completely lived a lie that he fell back on that habit whenever he felt challenged. He finally ended up leaving the ministry in which we were both involved over his overwhelming proclivity to prevaricate to cover up his lack of subject knowledge.

Lies are even more prevalent between people who don't like or go so far as to hate one another! Our culture has entered a wholesale time of fabrication! Yet, the word of God tells us to throw practices off which drive that sinful nature to put on the new self! We are truthful when we become renewed in the knowledge of God. Even Adam and Eve had the first tendency to follow the example of Satan to lie! The very first sin on the earth was a lie from the devil to a woman! We accept that with a nominal blink of the eye, while we subconsciously continue in our ways.

We don't naturally live in the image nor character of God. The very existence of the Bible makes the case for our inability to be good in our own strength, to not live a life of lies to ourselves nor our neighbors! The deepest part of us naturally seeks our own interests, including falsehoods to one another out of selfessness. Colossians 3 rebukes that old nature in pursuit of God!

Lord, help us, whatever age we are, to break this pattern and begin to carry the character, image of our Creator! America cannot be great until we humble ourselves and call out to God for help!