When we pray, God takes the language we use and turns the words into unutterable groanings. Why does the Spirit do that?

Why does the Spirit do that?

Our language limits what we feel to the filter of words, whereas our hearts feel the anguish of personal and corporate prayer for loved ones, the injured and ill, and the persecuted. What words in ANY language could convey how we churn deep in our souls, what needs to be communicated to the Lord? What language frames words for the deep ache we sense for people trapped by drugs, bound by sin, or huddled 'neath the anger of terrorists?

We have seen the power of prayer in so many ways throughout 2016, that the lesson we learned was that prayer does indeed change things, if the people of God humble ourselves and repent, raise the name of our Lord so that His power will show in us!

He has chosen us to declare his name through the earth. In fact, His name is broadcast in a myriad of ways around the planet. In home countries, people of hundreds of languages are on their knees, praying for the salvation of billions of others, from the tip of Africa, to the Arctic Eskimo. We, God's people were raised up be the channel of God's power on this earth. When we don't pray, evil triumphs. When we pray, the hand of God is unleashed to change people and nations, policy and events!

Lord, may we never forget that truth, that You raised us up to show your power in us!