Children’s laughter is music to my ears. My husband’s voice saying, “I love you,” “I’m home,” That was a delicious meal,” “You’re an inspiration,” is music to my ears. Being with our grandchildren and hearing loving declarations cause a rhythm in my soul that pulsates like expressive musical notes.
How about you? Do certain expressions set your heart to singing?
Music lifts the spirit, warms the heart, and quickens our steps…prompting us to dance across the room. When we worship God through the gift of song or listen to an instrumentalist get lost in the music, we’ve been gifted with a divine musical blessing.
But what about the instruments of nature…gurgling streams splashing over rocks and limbs as they produce a movement that flows rhythmically? Or what about the shimmer of Aspen leaves keeping tune to the breezes? When reaching a waterfall on a hike, a magnificent orchestra at crescendo touches eyes, ears, heart and soul.
God has made himself known in all of his creation…from the natural beauty around us to the expressions of child-like wonder that grace us through children. And his word is full of the music of the ages.
Let’s be sensitive to the great Conductor and Redeemer of our souls. Let his music overflow to all we meet. Selah

"Music lifts the spirit, warms the heart, quickens our steps...prompting us to dance across the room."