My middle name is Oddball. Not really, but when a kid, on the school bus one day, I was asked what that “O” of my middle name stood for. Before I could get it out of my mouth, if I tried, another spoke up and said, perhaps in humor (hopefully so), “Oddball.” And so it stuck. Well, not really either, but that incident apparently did stick in my head.

Today I have realized the temporalness of such, and the pursuing after that of the purely earthly substance.

Oddball, but how so? For one: Today I’m not so much into television as I was in my growing up years. An oddball? Then, I might have been known as “walking TV Guide,” familiar with just about every program that was on the air – perhaps to my detriment. Wow, was I informed.!?

In later years, too, television seems to have been my inheritance – perhaps again to my detriment – sometimes even having watched late into the night, only to wake up the next morning finding the last thing watched still on my mind.

Hence, today I have realized the temporalness of such, and the pursuing after that of the purely earthly substance. Perhaps to my detriment, as some may think, but I have not a bunch of household stuff (in attic, basement, or even financial portfolio), but realistically, and my now realization, for my betterment. As the Scripture says, “Christ is all that matters” Colossians 3:11.