Mark 10:27, Ephesians 3:20, Romans 8:26
We all encounter pressing and important issues. There are things we hold very dear to our hearts that cause us great concern, and we know it’s essential to take our petitions to God in prayer. But do we know how to pray about it?
If you’re like me, you may begin to question yourself during prayer: did I cover everything? Was I specific enough? Did I find the right scripture to claim over this situation? Did I pray long enough….loud enough…..often enough? Did I say the right words during prayer? Did I pray believing? Did I follow the right prayer recipe?
It makes sense that we want to make sure we’ve crossed our T’s and dotted our i’s in prayer. Because in life HOW WE make a presentation, HOW WE represent ourselves on a resume’ and HOW WE perform, determines the success or failure of the outcome.
Just today in prayer I began to question myself, and as a result questioned the power of my prayer when God stopped me dead in my tracks before my thoughts could gain momentum. He burst that hot air balloon before it could shift me off course.
Listen to what God said: “You’re relying too much on YOURSELF!!!”
As I let that sink in, I began to realize that on some level, I had been putting pressure on myself by thinking the outcome of my prayer depended on how well I prayed. That is wrong thinking!! The outcome of our petitions does NOT rely on the petitioner, rather The One being petitioned: God Almighty!
He is a good God that desires to make our life easier, not more burdened down with the pressure of executing the perfect prayer or else. If you’ve struggled with negative ideas about prayer, it’s time to crumple up that chapter and start over. So take a deep breath: let yourself off the hook. Take the pressure off by trusting the outcome to Him; and pray your heart out to a God that is eager to hear your voice!
I’m so thankful that God knows my heart. I Samuel 16:7
God knows what I need before I even tell Him. Mathew 6:8
I can give God all my worries because He cares about me! 1 Peter 5:7
I’m not going to worry about it, because I’m going to pray about it. Philippians 4:6
When I don’t know what to pray the Holy Spirit helps me. Romans 8:26
I find mercy and grace to help in my time of need. Hebrews 4:16
I pray to God because I know He will hear me. Psalms 17:6
When I am stressed, I will call on God because He hears me from Heaven. Psalms 18:6
I know that God can do far more than I can ask. Ephesians 3:20
I know that everything is possible with God! Mark 10:27
David J DeBlander on January 20, 2017 at 1:10 pm
That was just what my wife and I needed today. Oh yea, we forgot about the God aspect of our prayer. Thank you again, this devotional is powerful and uplifting.
tbritesitdown on January 20, 2017 at 3:54 pm
Thank you David, I’m so glad this was encouraging to you and your wife. God knows just what we need & when. He wants our prayers to be effective & powerful but He does not want them burdensome or dreaded. I also have a blog where I post these and other devotionals. I’ve just started it a few months ago but would love to have your and your wife visit and follow.
Lonnie on January 30, 2017 at 10:41 pm
Excellent! May God remind me of your encouragement often.
tbritesitdown on January 31, 2017 at 12:12 am
And may God remind me too Lonnie!! When God told me that, it really freed me. I pray that everyone would pray freely putting all their trust in the only one who has power to answer them: God Almighty!