Reminiscent of times with our own sons, a walk along a still lake led my husband to say to our grandson and granddaughter, “Watch this.”
Picking up a smooth stone he sailed it out over the water where it skipped along making ripples appear that hadn’t been there before.
“How do you do that?” they chorused. “I want to try!”
Thus the hunt for the perfect smooth stones began followed by skipping rock lessons.
“Watch me! Watch this one!”
Some just plopped and sank. Others sent out a ripple or two. Gradually, they mastered the technique and almost ran out of stones.
Still waters and ripples remind me of Psalm 46:10, NLT that says, “Be still, and know that I am God.”
Our bodies and minds don’t often heed this advice. We go at break neck speed preoccupied with worries, to do lists, and more. Sit beside a lake on a calm day? It seems an elusive dream.
However, if we would quiet our minds for a few minutes a day, God could gently drop his thoughts into the stillness and we would be “fixing our thoughts on what is true, and honorable, right, pure, lovely and admirable,” (Philippians 4: 8).
Think of the purposeful, meaningful, valuable ripples such thinking would create… ripples of love, forgiveness, mercy and grace. Selah

Picking up a smooth stone he sailed it out over the water where it skipped along making ripples appear that hadn’t been there before.