Hebrews 9:11-15

Although this book was written to Jewish Christians in terms they could understand as relating to the law and tabernacle, there is still much all Christians can take away from this. It starts out telling us the old tabernacle is done away because Christ is now that tabernacle and our High Priest. At his death, the veil of the temple was ripped away, revealing for the first time the holiest place. No more were animals to be sacrificed for sins that somehow were just never enough; Christ spilled His own blood to buy our eternal redemption, something the sacrificial system could never do. Under the law, animals were slaughtered by the priests to pay for the people’s sins and brought a temporary purification until the next time they sinned (and like us, it was probably frequent!). So if this would provide at least temporary payment for sins, just think how much more the blood of Christ would cover all sins—past, present, and future—relieving us of the necessity of dead works over and over again to try and be good enough. The old covenant is dead; Jesus is now the Mediator of the new covenant which redeems all who call upon Him for salvation, and through this will receive eternal life. Why would anyone today want to keep the law? Lots of folks and religions still do, but they will never know true happiness until they cast off these dead works which can never buy their way to heaven, and instead embrace the great High Priest and Mediator, Christ Jesus and Him alone.