Hebrews 8:6

In the 1960's, Coca cola made a commercial stating that everything "goes better with Coke." The implication was that no matter what you were going thru, if you only had a Coca cola, it would make everything better. The book of Hebrews emphasizes something similar and states that if you only had Christ in your life, he makes everything better. His sacrifice improves our lives, no matter what condition we find ourselves in. Since this is true, the opposite is also true, without Christ, everything in life is doomed. This Scripture is not some commercial intended to quench your thirst, it is an irrefutable fact which reveals the necessity for every man to invite Christ into his life. You can live without Coke, but without Christ you face eternal death and life's efforts wither and die. Yeshua alone is your only guarantee that things will get better in life- this life and the life to come! Taste of him, invite him in and experience the "better things" that he brings with him. Make your life's motto, "Things go better with Christ!"