Titus 1:15-16 15 To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. 16 They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.

Rienzi, Mississippi was threatened by Mikey Weinstein's Freedom from Religion, after the atheist group found a Christian flag flying over their Veteran's Park. At first, the nervous mayor took the "offensive" symbol down, but hundreds of people from the small town protested and rehung the rectangle of white cloth, emblazoned with the small blue square and red cross in the upper left corner.
It made me curious to find the history of such a nefarious object, since Weinstein is infamous for complaining about anything Christian in public venues, from our national military to this incorporated venue of a few hundred people.
The Christian flag itself dates back to a speech made extemporaneously by one Charles C. Overton, a Sunday School teach in New York in 1897. The regular speaker had failed to show for the kick-off. so the superintendent of the Sunday School had to cover for him. Seeing an American flag in the room, he began to talk about the symbolism of flags, while in his off-the-cuff speech, he then suggested that Christians should have their own flag! The idea caught on and the red cross on a blue field over a white rectangle was designed. It has hung in churches and many other places for the ensuing 120 years.
Atheist Weinstein, as is his pattern, took on the tiny town, threatening the mayor and citizens with a $500,000 lawsuit. Obviously, they don't have the money, but after thinking it over, Walter Williams, elected head of Rienzi, called a lawyer.
Weinstein doesn't live anywhere close to the town of Rienzi, nor would he pass through on any given day, since it is both far from his home and only by intentionally driving through the one horse establishment, would he hunt down and find the flag. There is almost always someone or group or city which offends him for the Christianity displayed there. Mikey is a powerful man and with his resources, bullies communities and people. He's even bullied the military, cajoling the Army, Navy, and Air Force into persecuting Christians in service to our country.
Atheists claim that God does not exist, but it is obvious from their confrontations with the public and the saved in particular, they're far more angry at God for His work in the world, than objective about their contentions that God has no place in public life. His misuse of the judiciary points out his distaste for Christ and the Body of Christ.
Today, Christians must stand firm in the face of renewed persecution, as this nation struggles again to return to the freedom of religion that our Constituion and Bible afford us! Lord, may we ever be true to You!
Lonnie on February 9, 2017 at 8:27 pm
Thank you for your encouragement. It’s kind of ugly in my circle these days . . . As I know it is in many others’. Keep writing and blessing.
Wayne Cook on February 9, 2017 at 8:29 pm
Thank you!