As I viewed the tree from our front yard laying across the grass and almost three feet into the street, I drew a breath of relief! It was clear of our home and my precious children!

We've only to call on His name!

Only a couple of hours previously, my son had texted me that winds were picking up and the old tower of wood was waving violently. Planted in 1971, the huge oak had one flaw, which caused its root system to be much more shallow than normal for a tree of it's size and quality. The trunk grew, splitting into two large branches, only six feet above grade, weaking the core and causing the footing to grow improperly. It had no taproot. When the last blast of one hundred mile an hour wind hit the weakened base, the load of the full leaves and branches tore the bottom out of the earth, crashing it into the front yard!

What amazed me following a night of heavy storms and tornadic winds, was that the 6,000 pound tree had fallen away from the house, saving our family (I was at work for the evening and completely helpless) from injury, and the building from complete destruction! I was taught a serious lesson that night, as I drove up the street to our driveway. God had saved my children from certain death!

God has angels around us who do the work of protection many times, when we think we are in for a gale force blow. We've only to call on His name, when all around us, the conventional symbols of safete fail, while the Lord commands billions of angels, the earth, and all the air above it, in never ending watchcare of His people. Truly, as my heart caught in my throat at the sight that eerie midnight, I stopped the car to breathe a very shaky "THANK YOU, LORD!"

Again, I was reminded to thank Him in ALL things, for that faith in God through which He works in our lives, thickens the cord of love between us, His children, and heaven!

Lord Jesus, may we never forget Your promises and compassion!