Oooooff! I read that verse and my first reaction is the expulsion of air after being socked in the gut?! It's true! Humility is not my strong suit!

The honest repulsion I've often felt in many situation is this: When I'm being attacked, I don't want to be humble!

Over the years, my attitude has ranged from arrogant to abject fear. I'm ashamed to admit it, but deep in my heart, I know it's true! Continual humility isn't one of my consistent personal benchmarks. The honest repulsion I've often felt in many situation is this: When I'm being attacked, I don't want to be humble! Let's take a short look at the root definition of that word, since I imagine more Christians feel like I do, even under the microscope of Paul's teaching.

The Christian Bible Reference site says, "People often wonder what humility means or what is the definition of humility. In the Bible, humility or humbleness is a quality of being courteously respectful of others. It is the opposite of aggressiveness, arrogance, boastfulness, and vanity. Rather than, "Me first," humility allows us to say, "No, you first, my friend." Humility is the quality that lets us go more than halfway to meet the needs and demands of others."

That sounds awfully close to what Mother Teresa displayed as she worked with the starving masses of India. And I do remember wanting to have that attitude many times, especially after an argument with my wife, a dispute with a coworker, or my response to being cut off in traffic. The fact is, most of us want humility right after we've blown it!

Last weekend, I was chatting with a neighbor, and answered a comment from her to the effect, "I don't think there is a way to learn humility, than to be humbled through suffering." For me, that has been true most of my life. I've had to take a breath, stop my pell mell rush to protect what I feel is mine, including my dignity, to allow Christ to work through me. Human nature is just that strong!

When I ask the Lord to make me humble, I am rarely prepared for His answer, which usually means suffering. But that is exactly what Christ's benchmark was. He's been known for 2000 years as our suffering Savior! Am I better than the One who died for me???

Lord, bring your will to be my life! In Jesus name!