How many times have I asked God a question, or asked Him for wisdom, or asked Him for ANYTHING, and then just kept talking to Him, instead of being quiet, searching His Word, and LISTENING for an answer?

Many times He will gently whisper in your spirit the very words of Scripture.

I am a child of God.
He knows more than me.
He wants me to talk with Him.
But He also wants me to listen.

Chances are good that I won't hear him if I don't listen.
The boy Samuel heard God's voice in the still of the night when all was quiet.

Elijah heard God's gentle whisper.

"...but the LORD was not in the fire:
and after the fire a still small voice."
"after the fire came a gentle whisper." NIV

When Elijah heard the gentle whisper, he knew that it was God.

There is a reason God tells us to

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

It is in the stillness, the calm, the quiet, that we will best be able to hear His voice.

Taking the time to read His Word and asking Him to reveal to us what it means, then continuing to read the passage in context to be sure we really understand it is NOT just a religious exercise or scholarly pursuit. It is an exponentially gigantic way that we can still our souls and listen for God to speak.

Do you want to hear Jesus?

He is the Living Word of God.

He agrees with the written Word of God.

He will not tell you to do anything that the written Word of God forbids.

And many times He will gently whisper in your spirit the very words that are written on the page of Scripture, words of wisdom, enlightenment, encouragement, comfort, or whatever else you need to hear from Him.

I know that sometimes it is hard in this busy world, with families to take care of and all the demands that are put on us, but if we want to hear Jesus, we need to carve out a little bit of time to quiet our souls before Him. It has been my experience over and over again that I got more done, and more efficiently, after having spent time with Him than I would have had I not first quieted my soul before Him.

It is so worth it to spend that time with Him!