Ever had one of those mornings or weekends when everything went down at once? The toilet clogged, then the sink, then the shower only ran cold water, and the washing machine broke! It’s even worse when it seems like you just fixed “it” 5 minutes ago!

“On that day, David said, anyone who conquers the Jebusites will have to use the water shaft…”

I often wonder why God allows these “little fires”. Then I’m reminded that God has the power to become a little fire just like when he appeared to Moses as a burning bush. Moses was going to try and “mess with” the burning bush until God stopped Him. God knew that bush was too hot to handle!

Yes, God is the king and our Creator, but He is also the God of the smallest, most inconvenient, laborious details. You can talk to Him about your unexpected “clogs” and mini-tornadoes. Not only does He listen, but He can and will solve them.

Some problems take longer to fix than others, but it is comforting to know that He does not turn away when the roof needs fixing and say, “Deal with it.”

Each time I put on my rubber gloves or get ready to call a plumber, I have to remind myself that there is a purpose in it, even if it’s just to have a story to tell later on.

As the Scripture reading shows us, God is not above using a sewer line to bring about victory. He did it for King David, He has done it for me, and He will do it for you.

All of us want a home and life that basically fix themselves, but even the best warranty can’t stop the heating system from going down. It can only promise a replacement later – in some cases. God promises to “never leave us nor forsake us” no matter what.

The beauty of the God we serve is that when our moving parts wear out and finally grind to a halt, He is there to revive us and ultimately to receive us to His peace and Glory where nothing will ever need fixing up again!