Having suffered most of my adult life with a low self-image, I have compassion on those who are weighed down with this beast on their shoulders. For me, freedom didn’t come until I began to see myself as God did.

Where I saw a rebellious and sinful nature – God saw Christ in me.

Poor self-image is a gigantuan issue for many young woman today. It can lead to eating disorders that cause barren wombs, brittle bones, bad teeth and broken hearts. The path of it can be deadly for some and a long desert marching for others. For me, I was on the long march when I finally found freedom. My heart aches for each one of you who suffer from this ravaging enemy and my earnest prayer is that you find freedom soon.

The key? It has a lot to do with your identity. Not in your own identity, but your identity with the One who resides inside of you. It is in Christ. If you know Him personally–He has been with you all this while, you just need to see for yourself how God really sees you!

Take a lesson from one who underwent a character examination himself…

God raised up leaders to rule over, or judge, Israel. Gideon was such a judge. The Jews were dominated by the Midianites (Bedouin people) when the Lord appeared to Gideon. Gideon was reluctant. His low-self-image got the better of him. He saw himself as a man who came from a weak and feable tribe in Manasseh. He likened himself to the ‘runt of the litter’ and questioned how God could use him to throw off the yoke of oppression his people faced.

The thing that Gideon couldn’t see, was what God saw. Through Heavenly Eyes, God saw a mighty warrior of valor! By faith, not sight – Gideon eventually led a small army of 300 against the Midianites in a surprise attack. After success, God granted Israel peace for the rest of Gideon’s life. He eventually died, an example of faith.

If Gideon was a woman he could have been a good representation of me in days gone by! When faced with God wanting me to step out of ‘my little world’ and do something extraodinary for Him, I would have had a similar response to that of Gideon. “Who me?” “Are you serious?” “How could you use me?”

I’ve learned, like Gideon that God didn’t see me like I saw myself. Where I saw a rebellious and sinful nature – God saw Christ in me. And still does. Through my relationship with Jesus, God can only visualize the good stuff inside of me. He only witnesses a mighty warrior of valor who can face an enemy head on while rejoicing in the victory even before the battle.

This is where we all can fall short of our mark. We are so focused on ourselves, the situations we are in or the conditions we are facing – we fail to see oursevles as God sees us — As Mighty Men and Women of Valor!

If there is a significant gap existing between who you think you are, and what the Lord may be laying out for you to accomplish–have faith that in God’s strength you will rise up in your weakness.

Take this challenge today: Look at yourself in the mirror and see what God sees!