Psalm 25:9 He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.

As I was driving to work this morning, intermittant rain splattering on my windshield, I was listening to a program on Christian radio as I do to have a quiet and more measured time between my house and this office.
Alistair Begg has become a dear car companion as his steady and humorous delivery of God's word into my dark cockpit at that very early hour strengthens me for the coming work. He mused about the logic and beauty of mathematics pointing the way to God, a single discipline of the natural sciences, which are signposts on our spiritual journey.
One of history's most brilliant scientists was Isaac Newton who discovered gravity, writing, "Blind metaphysical necessity, which is certainly the same always and every where, could produce no variety of things. All that diversity of natural things which we find suited to different times and places could arise from nothing but the ideas and will of a Being, necessarily existing."
Along with Albert Einstein, Newton believed that contrary to atheistic evolution, science does NOT digress from God, but points to Him in every manner! It is noteworthy that from the time that Nobel Prizes were established, most of the prizes have been awarded to men and women who were Christians! Not unexpectedly, science has led them to the Creator of the universe!
The very denial of a God of order in a world of chaos (and no one denies it was caused by man), merely points out the myopic arrogance of many.
Our world is filled with two things. One is the path of Christ for every person who would follow Him, which includes all the excitement of opening ribbon tied, lustrous gifts on Christmas morning. The other consists of the thousands of digressions which will distract us, even by defining them as the roads to God. Not one of them is!
Lord, please guide us through this maze of man made circuses, that we may find You in all the color filled, and brightly packaged distractions of this Cosmos!