Friends, I am holding onto this verse with just about everything I have. You see, I am waiting for the news, which will be at anytime, that a member of my wife’s family has passed. He is a great man, one who served in World War II, and who knows and loves Jesus. We use the word hero pretty easily these days, but he is a true hero.
So, I feel really hard pressed. The kids have to be physically and mentally prepared for the trip and the funeral, the dog needs to be boarded, after getting some booster shots, I have to get my suit cleaned and pressed, and I have to make sure my work obligations are taken care of as I grieve. I do feel hard pressed on every side.
But being crushed is not in the vocabulary. Despair is not in the vocabulary. You see I know that there are my brothers and sisters in Christ, who are stepping forward to help. We have a friend who boards dogs who is standing by, and our vet, another friend, was able to fit our dog in for her shots. By the way, if you want to experience unconditional love, spend time with a dog. I also know that there are countless people praying for me and my family. I usually play one on one or two on two basketball, but last Sunday I was delighted to play 5-5 where you have to rely on the team. Most of all I know I have Christ who is loving me, supporting me, and especially who is reminding me that when my family member passes that is only the turn of a page of a chapter, and he will be seen again.
Likewise, if you experienced loss, or if you are going through something like PTSD or a family member dealing with PTSD, you are not alone. Yes, we might be hard pressed or perplexed, but we have each other and especially Christ with us. Friends, know that we are praying for you.

With Christ we are not crushed