“With man this is impossible, but WITH GOD all things are possible” (Mathew 19:26).
We’ve all found ourselves in a situation that requires nothing short of a miracle. At some point, we have faced a harsh reality; some devastating news; or an impossible circumstance in which we were powerless to change. Perhaps all options have been exhausted, and it feels like it’s over; feels like time has run out.
I’ve got some great news: it's never too late to expect a miracle!!
God is not limited by time or severity of your circumstances. It doesn’t matter how permanent your situation may seem. In Acts 3 we meet a forty year old man that was crippled since birth. Yet he was instantly healed: walking and leaping after forty years of immobility. In John 11 we meet Lazarus who came back to life after being buried, and dead for four days.
None of this holds power over our God!
Nothing is impossible with Him!
It is never too late for that miracle you've been praying for.
God is not held to the limits of this world. He can reach beyond your disease; beyond your barrenness; beyond your finances; and beyond your broken family. God is saying to you today, “With man this is impossible, but WITH GOD all things are possible” (Mathew 19:26).
Be encouraged that God is not restricted by the passage of time. There is no situation that is irreversible or permanent in the eyes of God. Nothing on this earth is beyond His scope of power. DO NOT GIVE UP! It’s never too late to expect that miracle.