I was so angry when I thought about this event. A few years ago, I was asked to attend a funeral service for eight veterans who had died over the past few years, and whose bodies were laying in morgues because no family would claim them. Anger and sadness came about when I saw the procession of hearses come into the graveyard as well as wondering how could anyone’s life end such as this?
However, the passage from John, which comes as Jesus was heading to Lazarus’ grave, clearly shows us that death is not the end. Yes, it is the end of our life here on earth, but it is not the end of the person for they continue to live with Jesus. We will all be there one day in a joyous reunion. As I see increased tensions around the world which could result in a shooting war, and as I think about the many veteran and active duty military funerals I have done, I am thankful and reassured that the lives of those we lost while at an end here on earth, are not at an end for these people live on with Christ. In a few days we will celebrate Easter, and let us realize this promise, this reality if you will, as we greet the risen Christ on Sunday.
Friends, Happy Easter. Know that He is risen and one day we will be as well! May God bless you.

Know that He is risen and one day we will be as well!