Job1:1-6 Mark 11:15-16 Genesis 3:8-10

The full measure of God's sacrifice.
In the days of the Old Testament sacrifices were made all the time, Job made sacrifices not only for himself but the whole family. (Job1:1-6) The Bible says Job was blameless and upright but not even his sacrifices were a full measure, he had to make them again and again. Remember the time when Jesus went into the temple and the money changes were selling offerings to be used as sacrifices. (Mark 11:15-16) I'd say any sacrifice made that came from these money changers wouldn't measure very well if at all. This was the only time in all of the bible we read that Jesus was angered, and for good reason their sacrifices to his Father were being diminished and he himself would soon be offered up as the fullness of God's perfect sacrifice for all mankind.
If we were to ask a group of people what comes to there mind when they think of the cross we'd probably get some different answers. Here's one you might not get naked people! I know naked people is probably the last thing if at all you'd think of when it comes to the cross but just bear with me (pun intended). You have to go way back to the beginning. (Genesis3:8-10) Remember it was in the cool of the day and the Lord was walking in his Garden. When he found Adam and his wife Eve they were wearing fig leaves for clothes to cover their nakedness. The Lord could have left them with their less than sufficient clothing and would have been fully just in doing so. But rather the Lord showed mercy on them and made them clothes from skins. Now I don't claim to be a theologian but it seems to me that an animals life would have been sacrificed in order to make the clothes from skins. Nonetheless can you see the similarity in the cross.
All those sacrifices of old would never be sufficient enough, and no mattier how righteous we try to be we'll always fall short of the full measure. The sacrifices like the clothes made from the fig leaves would only last a shoort time then they'd have to make them again and again. But God showed mercy on us when he sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Like the clothes made from the skins to cover Adam and Eve's nakedness. The fullness of God's sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross was sufficient to cover all our sins for ever and ever amen.
As christians our past no longer gets to define who we are but rather who we are in Christ Jesus defines us.
Him for me the full measure of God's salvation plan.