1 John 3:1
Someone approached me and asked me recently, “What is your favorite Bible verse?”
I often find myself troubled as I find it extremely difficult at times to focus in on one single verse, as there are specific times in my life where certain passage of scripture that ministers to my soul, so I would like to answer this question carefully and cautiously;
However if I had to pick only one it will be my all time favorite from 1 John 3:1,
“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God” (ESV)
At times, as a man it is very hard, to look at this passage, to believe and accept that we are loved and adorned. This dearness that God has for us, it is the central theme of all eternity and redemptive history. I struggle with this idea, especially living in the American ideology of production and producing and doing something in order to climb up the scale. I have to come face to face with this passage that I am dearly loved. There is nothing I can do, anything to make him love me less. There is nothing I can’t do, anything to make him love me more. To be his child does not depend upon what I deserve or my own virtue or merit. All by the work on the cross; a solid, strong, permanent, eternal, immutable work that will never change. He is always there as a loving Father. He is always there looking , desiring, longing for us.
God bless you and have a wonderful day!