Colossians 2: 6-15

Debt keeps piling up for individuals, companies and countries--many up-to-their-eyeballs in hock. Whether that's true for you or not, we all owe a debt to the Lord. Me primarily because I know myself. How far I have missed the mark of God's goodness and holiness. You too?
Our text today is amazing. The Apostle Paul mentions about being '...dead in your sins...' (v.13). Now, in Christ they are alive as alive can ever be! Verse 14 mentions '...cancelling the record of debt...' The Greek word is 'cheirographon', a legal document. Ignoring the legal mumbo-jumbo, this is an ancient IOU. Every sin we commit issues an IOU to God. We are in debt to Him.
Unfortunately, we are bankrupt, unable to pay our debt. What are we to do? Don't fret. He's done it all for us. Has taken our IOU's and written 'paid in full' on top of each. Then He nails them to the cross for all to see and believe what Jesus has done for us. What no one else could. Only Jesus.
This cost Him everything so that it wouldn't cost us what we couldn't give Him anyway. He knew that. He gave Himself willingly for us, for those He loves so very much.
I told you those verses in Colossians were amazing!