In the Bible, you read that over and over again, the children of Israel rebelled against God and worshiped false gods. In Joshua 24, Joshua reminds them of where they have been, and all the things God has done for them. He gave them an option whether to serve false gods or the One, True God. Joshua made that decision for himself in verses 14 - 15. He said (V. 15), "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Then, the people chose to serve God. In Verse 24, they said, "The Lord our God we will serve, and His voice we will obey!" Then we read in verse 25 that Joshua made a covenant with them. It took great boldness and courage to take a stand and say that. The question is: do we have the courage Joshua and the people did and choose to only worship and serve our Lord? It's a choice we should make everyday. When you wake up everyday, start your day by saying, "Today, I'm going to choose to live for God! I don't care what others say or think about it!" I want to encourage you today to determine for yourself that you're going to serve God all the days of your life.

Do we have the courage Joshua and the people did and choose to only worship and serve our Lord?