Jonah 4:2 I know that You are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, One who relents from doing harm.

Think of every cliche which assails us from this culture when we are single. Servile, subject, sanctimonious, stupid, scammed, and sacked. I think I qualify for them all.
I was the object of internet scam in 2014, for which I was taken to the tune of thousands of dollars. Everything sounds good when you are servile to a scam artist, before you become subject to their threats. When I emerged, I felt stupid, insensibly sanctimonious, scrubbed with the sandpaper of my own money as it floated away. I was thoroughly sold on the wrong track!
So was Jonah! He didn't want to go to Ninevah! He suspected God was going to forgive their sins, so Jonah went the opposite direction on a ship sailing into a storm, and finally diminished to a fish lunch in which he was the main course!
I wised up praise God! After being brought to my knees, I wised up to the evil pursuing me and walked away with help. Jonah spent three days and nights as fish food in the smelly belly of a sea monster!
As he prayed down in the depths, he confessed that God was right. "I know you are a gracious and merciful God." And He is! After being spit onto land, Jonah chose the right track of obedience. So did I.
The world is on the wrong track, rebelling against God, hateful in the extreme, lying, murdering, committing genocide. Many of our own leaders are supporting that evil. BUT! When we pray, God answers!
Our Daily Bread on May 24, 2017 at 12:17 pm
Thank you for sharing Wayne Cook!
waynocook53 on May 24, 2017 at 12:47 pm
Means so much to me that it encouraged you!