Daniel 5:5

Opposite the lampstand
Back in October - November of 2016 we were doing a study on the book of Daniel at church. It was leading up to the big election, and seeing God's plan unfold in Daniel and his friends lives was a great comfort to many of us. God sets up and deposes the rulers of this world and God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, so that plan God was working on back in Daniel's time is still being worked on today. The book of Daniel is filled with awesome stories of God's people being faithful even unto death. But the verse that kept coming back to my mind the most was Daniel 5:5. Immediately the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall of the kings palace, opposite the lampstand.
It was those last three words I kept thinking of "Opposite the lampstand". Now I'm not one of those Davinci code kinda guys but surely those three words have some deeper meaning, I mean why else would Daniel have wrote them down. So I was determined to find out the meaning, but by the first of the year with all the busyness of the holidays I all but gave up on my pursuit. Then one early February morning I woke up from my sleep with what I think is the answer. When Daniel wrote about the writing on the wall he was telling us what he saw or witnessed. But when Daniel wrote opposite the lampstand he's making himself a more credible witness. He's giving us more details of the account. And it's Daniel's eye for the details we can clearly see when he writes about his visions. I don't think too many of us could have seen the visions Daniel did and remembered all the details like he did. So l think/guess I have the answer to the mystery of the words "opposite the lampstand", he was describing in "detail" what he witnessed at the Kings Palace. Ok, it makes sense maybe not the revelation I was hoping for but it makes good sense.
A few of you might remember the details of where you were the day J.F.K was shot, I was too young to remember that day. I can however remember the day Elvis Presley was found dead in his hotel room, I was a young man by that time. And who could ever forget the details of the day 1985 Chicago Bears won the super bowl, right!!! Well there is one event in our lives as believers that's far greater and hopefully more memorable than any of these, that's the day we excepted Jesus Christ as Lord and savior! We should look back with eyes like Daniel's, looking for the "details"of that day so when the time comes, and it will, we are ready to share the good news, and the hope that we have in Jesus!
Our Daily Bread on June 6, 2017 at 12:46 pm
Hello Dellis Fischer! Thank you for writing this piece. May we continue to remember Jesus in our daily lives. May God bless you!
delfischer on June 6, 2017 at 1:08 pm
Thank you ODB, and may God bless you as well 🙂