Genesis 1:27
The 7th day dawned and God looked out over the newly formed earth, those who now occupied the space and He saw that everything was very good. The Creator of the stars, tides, and intricate creatures finished in splendor when He created man in His very image.
Do you ever feel an urge deep within you to create something? Perhaps it’s scrapbooking or woodworking. Maybe you feel the prompting to paint, or build structures. It could be that you feel a nudge to sing or play musical instruments. Whatever that creative act might be, you were created to be creative.
There’s some who define creativity strictly to traditional arts, but there’s creativity in decorating your home for Christmas, or building a deck. You might even feel that spark tucked deep down inside you come to life as you work out your creativity.
Because you were created in the image of the Creator, you bear the ‘likeness’ of Artist Father. When you are exercising any form of creativity, you are living out who you were created to be. The act of being like your Father is Worship. In everything you create, you can do so as an act of worship to the one who created you in His image.
The next time that you go to create, turn your heart and mind to worshipping the one whose image you bear
Melissa Platt on March 10, 2016 at 3:23 pm
This post means more to me because I know the writer personally. Tiffany truly loves our Lord and this is post is true of her. Thank you for your encouragement Tiffany. May we always be inspired by our Artist Father.
Rachelle Rea on March 15, 2016 at 6:05 am
This is beautiful–and so true! What a privilege it is to enter into the presence of our Artist Father when we create. We get to be little creators along with Him; it’s a joy, and a calling! Thank you for this reminder! 🙂
Andrea Barrows on March 16, 2016 at 3:11 pm
I never thought of creativity in that manner. My oldest is an artist but I have always lacked creativity, ir so I thought. My mother in law has an eye for decorating, alas I do not. Now I will try and see where my worship is…