A walk through a garden of flowering Rhododendrons helped us celebrate spring and welcome summer. Though we had missed the peak of the blooming, a few blooms still showed off their colors.
I love springtime. Every tree and bush is alive with new life, color and energy. From the bold array of the first Tulips, to the variations of Iris and Azaleas and Mountain Laurel, I am completely enthralled.
My husband laughs as he sees my reaction of sheer joy over the flowers and vistas in the mountains. It’s as though they are singing God’s song of creation as they awaken from a long winter nap and invite me to play.
Unfortunately, sometimes we take a long nap in our Christian lives…vitality has diminished and we may be a bit sleepy in our approach to living out our Christian testimony. Duty replaces our labor of love when its one we’ve fashioned for ourselves.
The Message, in Matthew 11: 28 relates Jesus invitation to us this way. “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life…Learn the unforced rhythms of grace…Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
It will be like awakening from a refreshing nap – surging with new life and energy – putting a colorful springtime step in our Christian walk again. Selah

“It’s as though they are singing God’s song of creation as they awaken from a long winter nap and invite me to play.”