Esther 2: 21-23, 6: 1-11

I once heard a Pastor say that he waited 6 years to win his wife’s affection. I struggled for 3 years for a break on a Radio Station. A couple I know prayed earnestly for a child for many years before the prayer was answered.
These examples have one common thread; delay.
Are you troubled about a delayed answer to prayer? Do you feel God is denying you His blessing?
We live in a world where people look for rapid solutions and any delay therefore, is uncomfortable. God however has his own timing and His delays are not denials. He wants the very best for us.
In Esther: 2: 21-23, Mordecai uncovered an assassination plot on King Xerxes with the King's life being saved. But, Mordecai was forgotten and not rewarded. The only reward he received was his name being recorded in the King’s chronicles. Like Mordecai, you too may feel forgotten today?
Sometime later, when Mordecai was to be executed due to a conspiracy by a wicked official named Haman (5:14), God decided that the time for delay was over. The King couldn't sleep that night and ended up reading in his chronicles about how Mordecai had saved his life (6:1-2). As a result, he prepared a handsome reward for Mordecai with Haman chosen to do the honors (6:3-11)!
God’s delays are not denials! His timing is perfect!
Thought for Today: God is never too early; He’s never too late; He’s always on time! His delays are not denials.
Prayer: Lord, help me to trust you through the delays in my life. May I have the faith to believe that a delay does not mean that you have not heard my cry, but that You are working out Your perfect purpose in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Our Daily Bread on July 10, 2017 at 1:10 pm
Hello Palitha Jayasooriya! Thank you for writing this and sharing.
Palitha Jayasooriya on July 11, 2017 at 1:27 am
My sincere thanks Anne for the opportunity to minister God’s Word through the ODB ministry.
waynocook53 on July 11, 2017 at 12:03 pm
Wow, powerful thoughts! Well written and communicated!
Palitha Jayasooriya on July 12, 2017 at 3:27 pm
Thanks Wayne. Your kind comments are deeply appreciated. I have been blessed by reading your articles too. May the Lord anoint and use you in greater measure in every area of your ministry!