I want to tell you of “His Saving Grace,” of His love for me when I definitely had no love for myself.
February 2, 2002 was the day God revealed Himself to me.
February 2, 2002 was the day I knew beyond a doubt that God loves me.
To understand fully, I must go back in time. No need to give a detailed account of my past because what
happened is a common occurrence today. See, I became addicted to crack cocaine. The drug
encompassed my very being. I no longer functioned in society, the society I was raised in; the society which
instilled morals and values; the society where people were productive, striving for excellence; the society
where children were nurtured and molded to become productive citizens themselves. I became a member
of a society of people “chasing a feeling.”
I threw my life away and chose not to go after success by way of hard work, endurance and goal setting.
Instead I, ingested a chemical that gave me the feeling of success but, of course, that feeling was simply a
false sense of success. When I wasn’t “getting high,” reality showed me what a shamble I had made of my
life; but, instead of stepping up to the plate to take responsibility, I tucked tail and ran back to the chemical
that gave me the false belief that “all was well.”
Throughout the span of my addiction, I frequented areas that were prone to police surveillance, which led to
my occasional arrests and subsequent incarcerations. On October 6, 2001 I was arrested. Today the
knowledge and understanding I have of my Lord and Savior, I realize that I was not arrested; I was actually
“redeemed.” Yes, redeemed from the pit of hell I dug for myself.
While incarcerated, God placed on my heart to seek forgiveness from the people I had wronged. Being
overloaded with remorse and guilt, (guilt can kill), I listened to His Spirit and began writing. For some
reason, not known to me then, I concentrated my letter writing efforts on my father, Arthur W. Browne. I
asked him to forgive me for not being a good daughter to him. He was in his twilight years of his life (87
years old); he needed me to help him with his daily routine but due to my preoccupation with crack, I didn’t
see his needs.
I began calling my father from jail. We spoke of things of great worth. He said “Pat, change your life around.
Serve God, family and community while you still have time.” My father forgave me; my guilt was laid to rest-
all due to God’s redemption and saving grace. Little did I know that from 10-06-01 to 2-2-02 God was
preparing me, making the way smooth, for on 2-2-02 my father, Arthur W. Browne, died.
God tells us that His ways are higher than our ways; truly they are. My experience of being led by the Spirit
brought me to a place of rest, that PEACE that comes only from “HIS SAVING GRACE.”
ekgrandma on March 22, 2016 at 12:38 pm
I can relate to your story. I am the mother of a recovering addict. My son has struggled with addiction for most of his adult life. It is time for his release from a rehab facility and I am both glad and apprehensive about his homecoming. I pray he will give his heart to the Lord and thus be healed both physically and spiritually.
plg01 on March 24, 2016 at 1:45 am
My prayers are with you love patti
Forever your sister, J on March 22, 2016 at 9:56 pm
Alleluia, praise be to our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. We hated watching & knowing the torment you went thru & being helpless to stop you. Truly GodI can say, Thank God it brought you to finding that peace you were seeking, your incredible husband, and most important you became a true child of God..God IS good & faithful to us, although we don’t understand His reasoning while we are in the midst of our trials and tribulations. I love you & so proud of you P.
plg01 on March 24, 2016 at 1:45 am
I love you so patti
Vivian Braxton on March 27, 2016 at 12:27 am
I thank God everyday for people thank are real. Your message is well received. All of us have strongholds or demons that try to prevent us from the destiny God has for us. But I thank God for your story that let’s the world know that there is nothing too hard for God to deliver us from. God bless you.
Heinz Trulley on March 28, 2016 at 5:16 pm
Patti, Your life is a living testamony of what Gods Amazing Grace can do when you surrender your heart, life to Him!, Im reminded of the old hymn “Love Lifted Me” …I was sinking deep in sin, Far from the peacful shore, Very deeply stained within, Sinking to rise no more; But the Master of the sea Heared my despairing cry, From the waters lifted me, Now safe am I. Love Lifted me! Love LIfted me! When Nothing else could help…Love Lifted Me……….,With tears running down my face “Praising God for what He Has done in your life”……Alleluia. You are an inspiration to us all, praying that God will unleash the chains of addiction for all who read your story, to find an everlasting Peace in the Love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Your story, Life is having an effect on all the people you work with everyday, they can see the light of Jesus shinning through you and are touched in some special way, people are searching for peace all around us, your testimony, life and love is making a difference in their lives, and you are leading them to Jesus.
Love In Christ,
plg01 on March 29, 2016 at 11:59 pm
I thank God that you were able to see the power of our forgiving God. Love truly lifted me. Thank you for sharing God whenever you can where you go! Love patti
H.D. Trulley on March 28, 2016 at 10:13 pm
Patti, Your testimony is inspriational and brings Hope to a dying world, Im reminded of the old Hymn “Love Lifted Me ….. I was sinking deep in sin, Far from the peacful shore, Very deeply stained within, Sinking to rise no more; But the Master of the sea Heared my despairing cry, From the waters lifted me, Now safe am I, ..Love Lifted Me, Love Lifted Me, When Nothing Else Cloud help, Love Lifted Me” …….Alleuia – Praise Be Unto Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for setting you free from your addiction- Your Christ Like example is making a difference is many peoples lives, the love and compassion you have has created a special bond with the people you work with everyday.
Because of Gods love shining through you, you have encouraged many co-workers that are struggling with personal difficulties that there is hope in Christ Jesus and that no matter what we are going through the answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord, He can give you Peace in the midst of the storm
Love in Christ
Eric Vaughan on March 29, 2016 at 12:43 am
What a testimony to the goodness of the Lord. Thank God that your earthly father and your Heavenly Father operated in the spirit of grace and gave you what you needed you needed to love on. Forgiveness. Praise God for His infinite Love that surpasses all understanding!!!!
plg01 on March 30, 2016 at 12:00 am
That’s it Sir, forgiveness allows us to walk upright!
Pastor Mills on April 2, 2016 at 11:38 pm
Praise the Lord preacher! What a powerful testimony for all of us with character defects. It is truly an inspiration for everyone to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. God has revealed His Holy Word for us to see from Genesis to Revelation men and woman with character defects. But for the Love, grace and mercy of Jesus Christ we can move back to our feet and tell the enemy to “get thee behind” because we are about our Fathers business. The Bible says, “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive” (Genesis 50:20). So, continue to be the vessel for God to tell the whole world about Jesus. Moreover, I am so happy you accepted your calling to preach the “Good News” in Jesus Name. Amen.
plg01 on April 5, 2016 at 12:07 am
Thank you most of all for understanding. I love you patti