Exodus 32:1

I like to think of the book of Exodus as an example of our walk with Christ. So many things in Exodus are similar to what happens to us when we accept Christ. Here we have the Israelites who have escaped Pharaoh's army with God's help and yet they find themselves lost in the wilderness. God didn't instruct Moses to take the easy route. Sometimes you have to go through things to get where God can use you. So as the story goes, God is still present, he's giving instructions on how to live a Godly life even in the wilderness. But when their victory had gotten a little old to them and they got tired of being in the wilderness, with Moses gone interceding on their behalf, they became afraid. They thought they had been abandoned. So they decided to build a golden calf, a god that they could see.
Have you experienced something similar in your walk with Christ? Perhaps after you were baptized or received Christ your life seemed to fall apart after a few weeks? And did you find yourself thinking "if only I could have"...money, a spouse, or a new job then all your problems would go away? Did you then focus your sights so intently on obtaining that one thing that it became your God, the one thing that could save you?
God calls us to keep our eyes on Him. Paul wrote that he learned to be content in every situation because he set his sight on a God too glorious to be viewed by man. And so we are called to do the same. Put your faith not in earthly things but instead in the one who is always faithful and has seen you through trial after trial. Know that nothing on this earth is as great as the God we serve. Trust in Him as he directs your path. His word will not return unfulfilled...from glory to glory.