Hebrews 4:12

Recently I overheard a conversation about what it takes to really clean kitchen floors. With so many handy gadgets these days, I was sure something new would win over getting down on hands and knees with a rag and pail of water.
But I was proved wrong. How else, they asked each other, do you get the corners clean, you know, where you find spilled coffee grounds, cookies crumbs and popcorn kernels? A good question to ponder!
When it comes to our hearts, do we count on simply a quip or quote for the day to clean us up down deep? Are we hoping to add a quick shine to our lives, while impure thoughts, destructive desires or impure motives remain untouched?
This is why we need Hebrews 4:12! Only God’s Word reaches into the nooks and crannies revealing what’s lurking there. At a point in my life I thought my heart was clean, but then God showed me that getting easily frustrated and irritated at others stems from pride, which God hates. I’m so thankful He exposed what had been too easy to brush aside.
How God longs for us to humbly confess our sin! And how faithfully, through the shed blood of Christ, He forgives and cleanses! Join me in thanking him for His love that practices deep cleaning!