Psalm 107:27-29
God has me in a season of waiting....and waiting...and waiting. Many days I feel like I am at my wits' end - not knowing what to do in this season of waiting. I remind God of His word where He says, "Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things" (Jeremiah 33:3) hoping I'd find the answer to what's taking Him so long to answer my prayer. Instead of giving me the answer I want, he shows me great and mighty things through the stories of Abraham and Sarah, Joseph, Hannah, Job, Daniel - all stories where His promises and glory were revealed in the end.
Can I just say how hard it is to be in this season of waiting? If you're like me, A-type proactive personality, waiting does not come easy. So in my waiting I ask God to show me what is He trying to teach me - Patience? Perseverance? Trust? Faith?
Satan would like nothing better than for me (and you) to give up in the season of waiting. That's where I remind him (multiple times a day if I have to) that he DOES NOT get to win....GOD DOES! That's where I need to "stay the course with committed faith and then get everything promised to me" (Hebrews 6:12, The Message Version). When I'm at my wits' end, I go to Him and find rest for my weary soul. I tell God that I'm at my wits' end not knowing what to do. Then He reminds me, "Be still, know that He is God" (Psalm 46:10). And isn't it hard being still? We want to play the role of God hoping we'd get better, faster results!
So in my season of waiting and being at my wits' end, I cry to the Lord in my trouble and He brings me out of my distresses (vs. 28), he hushes my storm to a calm and to a gentle whisper, so that the waves of the sea are still (vs. 29). And I wait on Him....His perfect will to be done in my life according to His perfect timing. God is a perfect God - there is nothing lacking in Him. When He is ready to answer my prayer, this season of waiting where I'm at my wits' end will end with a perfect God completing His perfect work in me.
Athina on May 29, 2016 at 9:43 am
How beautifully said! I experienced many serious difficulties in my life, growing up with no rights, no opinions allowed, no freedom… I went through a war, became a refugee, survived cancer, etc. etc. I learned to be patient too, like you. I pray for answers in God’s perfect timing. I learned to ask God ” please help me understand, when you think the time is right”. I do get answers, when I least expect them in the least possible ways. God is in control. He is ahead of us. He carries our load. He cares. I witnessed so many miracles in my life. I am blessed, in spite of the many difficulties I face. Stay strong and be patient. It all works out well for all that love Him!
Areum on May 31, 2016 at 1:13 pm
Thank you Athina for your encouraging words and for sharing your story. I will wait patiently on the Lord!